Man of Steel (2013) is 10 Years Old!
"Man of Steel" (2013) is a high-octane reboot of the Superman story, directed by Zack Snyder. The film kicks off on the dying planet Krypton, where Kal-El, the last of his kind, is sent to Earth by his father, Jor-El, as Krypton faces destruction.
Kal-El's adoptive parents, the Kents, raise him with love and instill values that shape him into a hero. As an adult, Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) struggles with his alien identity, yearning for a purpose.
When General Zod (Michael Shannon), a ruthless Kryptonian, comes to Earth seeking Kal-El and a world engine to terraform Earth into a new Krypton, Clark must embrace his destiny as Superman.
With breathtaking visuals, gripping action sequences, and a brilliant portrayal of Superman by Cavill, "Man of Steel" offers a thrilling cinematic experience, setting the stage for future DC Extended Universe films...
Please welcome to the show my wonderful co-host:
- Guest name: Drew Toynbee
- Guest bio: Drew is a podcaster doing everything he can to make the industry his full time home. Entering the space as a creator in late 2020 with Sequel Pitch, he has since begun producing and editing podcasts for others, while trying to keep up with his other loves of movies, games in all their forms, books and his family
- Where to connect with our guest: @DrewToynbee on X Drew's Website
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Additional voiceover work was provided by Drew Toynbee. Thank you! Follow Drew on Twitter
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